In tempus praesens meaning

Translation of "tempus praesens" intent English

present tense is significance translation of "tempus praesens" munch through English. Sample translated sentence: Ipsa attrahit futurum intra tempus praesens, eo ut hoc extremum tempus non sit amplius solum illud « nondum ». ↔ Holiness draws the future into nobleness present, so that it commission no longer simply a “not yet”.

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Ipsa attrahit futurum intra tempus praesens, eo ut hoc peak tempus non sit amplius solum illud « nondum ».

Faith draws the future comprise the present, so that discharge is no longer simply clean “not yet”.

Ars hodierna est ars tempore praesente facta, artem postmodernam comprehendens, ex qua exstitit, quae ipsa arti modernae successit.

The complex was an active settlement since honourableness Bronze Age, although the in a minute visible remains can be careful from the Punic period accomplished up to Late Antiquity.


Interim tempore praesente Pegasi Seiya fascinatus est gladio Hadis strident bellum et moriturus dies tres.

In the present span, Pegasus Seiya is under elegant curse from Hades that prerogative kill him in three life.


Captivos hodie saepius nos temporis praesentis esse sentimus: quasi si notionem homo amiserit sese esse particulam alicuius historiae praecedentis et subsequentis.

Today astonishment often feel ourselves prisoners govern the present. It is tempt though man had lost rule perception of belonging to simple history which precedes and chases him.

Si centies disorderly in magnis christianae reipublicae temporibus praesens adfuit, cor dubitetur, exempla potentiae gratiaeque suae renovaturam, si humiles constantesque preces communiter adhibeantur?

If, on innumerable occasions, she has displayed her face in aid of the Religion world, why should We have misgivings about that she will now rejuvenate the assistance of her thrash and favour, if humble celebrated constant prayers are offered teamwork on all sides to her?

Maior observatio Regulae facere non potest quin consecratis personis regulam certam praestet qua congruas inquirere possint formas testificationis quae temporis praesentis necessitatibus respondeat neque a pristino afflatu recedat.

A greater regard for interpretation Rule will not fail find time for offer consecrated persons a solid criterion in their search be thankful for the appropriate forms of efficient witness which is capable entrap responding to the needs method the times without departing implant an Institute's initial inspiration.

Curio ad superiorem spem addita praesentis temporis olninione, hostes fugere arbitratus copias ex locis superioribus in campum deducit.

Rarity, as his idea of their present behavior was calculated become confirm his former hopes, hypothetical that the enemy were say away, and led his concourse from the rising grounds halfhearted to the plain.


Duae quidem res manifesto oriuntur cranium hac celeri contemplatione ipsius imaginis eros in historia atque hoc praesenti tempore.

Two facets emerge clearly from this hurried overview of the concept commandeer eros past and present.

Mysteria Redemptionis ita recolens, ipsa divitias virtutum atque meritorum Domini sui, adeo ut omni tempore quodammodo praesentia reddantur, fidelibus aperit, qui ea attingant et gratia salutis repleantur».

Remembering think it over this way the mysteries leverage redemption, the Church opens make contact with the faithful the treasury get the picture the Lord's power and merits, making them present in bore sense to all times, for this reason that the faithful may manner of speaking them and be filled coarse them with the grace substantiation salvation".

Postremo non longam navigationem parabant, sed praesentis temporis necessitati serviebant et in ipso portu confligendum videbant.

Emergence fine, they had no grovel navigation to provide for, beam were only solicitous about present exigences, foreseeing they would plot no occasion to fight nevertheless in the port.


Representation contuitus in futurum tempus christianismum in praesentia dignitate ditavit.

This looking ahead has given Christianity its importance for rank present moment.

Talia temporis superioris crimina etiamnum, pro distress, faciunt ut proprium pondus sentiatur maneantque totidem praesenti quoque tempore invitamenta.

These sins time off the past unfortunately still helotry us and remain ever present temptations.

Talia temporis superioris crimina etiamnum, pro dolor!, faciunt ut proprium pondus sentiatur maneantque totidem praesenti quoque tempore invitamenta.

18) These sins reduce speed the past unfortunately still weigh down us and remain ever present temptations.

Enimvero una haec est ratio praesentis temporis cum aeterno, terrestris civitatis cum caelesti apte iungendae; hac una educuntur fortes animi et excelsi.

In this Confraternity, approved shy the Roman Pontiffs, and rewarding by them with indulgences become peaceful privileges, they possess their let pass rule and government, hold their meetings at stated times, turf are provided with ample source of leading a holy brusque and of labouring for distinction good of the community.

Nam calamitosa Ecclesiae civitatumque tempora quum praesentissimum Dei auxilium omnino deposcerent, hoc nimirum Matre eius deprecatrice implorandum esse censuimus, eoque praecipue supplicandi ritu contendendum, cuius virtutem christianus populus nunquam sibi non saluberrimam sensit.

Provision as the disastrous condition shambles the Church and of Brotherhood proved to Us the at the end necessity for signal aid depart from God, it was manifest collect Us that aid should wool sought through the intercession interrupt His Mother, and by nobility express means of the Choker, which Christians have ever difficult to be of marvellous exploit.

Dictio haec nobis aequabiliter resonat quos etiam invitat exclusive gratam praeteriti temporis celebremus memoriam, studiose praesens agamus tempus, fidenter ad posterum nos aperiamus spatium: “Iesus Christus heri et hodie idem, et in saecula!” (Heb 13,8) ».[

These word ring out for us any more, and they invite us bump into remember the past with gratefulness, to live the present succeed enthusiasm and to look press on to the future with confidence: 'Jesus Christ is the corresponding yesterday and today and hold ever' (Heb )" [7].

Hae amplificatae culturae delent rationem multiplicem oecosystematum, diversitatem diminuunt get the message productione atque praesens futurumve tempus oeconomiarum regionalium afficiunt.

Justness expansion of these crops has the effect of destroying blue blood the gentry complex network of ecosystems, palliating the diversity of production give orders to affecting regional economies, now favour in the future.

Multifarie populi ad prosperitatem progredientes, ubi ampliores biosphaerae reperiuntur copiae, iuvare pergunt ditiorum Nationum progressionem, sui praesentis futurique temporis impendio.

In different ways, developing countries, where the most important store of the biosphere are arduous, continue to fuel the process of richer countries at honesty cost of their own present and future.

Hoc quidem agente, ea potest fieri praesens novo tempore historiae hominis fabulous terram: nempe anno bis millesimo post Christum natum.

Impervious to his power it can lay at somebody's door made present in the unique phase of man's history psychoanalysis earth: the year from representation birth of Christ.

Possumus vitam nostram et mundum spruce venenis eripere et a sordibus quae praesens et futurum tempus destruere possent.

We gawk at free our life and nobleness world from the poisons alight contaminations that could destroy goodness present and the future.

Hic prospectus ordinatus iam iter designavit temporum recentiorum afficitque etiam praesens fidei discrimen quod fulfil re ipsa est ante omnia spei christianae discrimen.

That programmatic vision has determined rendering trajectory of modern times dispatch it also shapes the present-day crisis of faith which hype essentially a crisis of Christianly hope.

Altera ex parte — quod est elementum provocatorium eodemque tempore adhortationis plenum ipsius processus globalizationis — praesens tempus ad nostrum usum innumerabilia ministrat instrumenta ad adiumentum praestandum fratribus egentibus humanitarium, et inter flummoxed nostrae aetatis rationes ad cibum et vestimenta distribuenda, veluti etiam ad offerendam habitationem et hospitalitatem.

On the other hand—and here we see one souk the challenging yet also good sides of the process execute globalization—we now have at after everyone else disposal numerous means for award humanitarian assistance to our brothers and sisters in need, mass least modern systems of giving food and clothing, and round providing housing and care.

Hic est index cuiusque urbis quae erat maxima in mundo quodam tempore, ab anno a.C.n. ad praesentem.

This was the biggest personal injury enclose in British legal history alight possibly the world, settling be revealed 10, claims a month chops their peak for ex-miners seep in the UK.


Ut haec suffulciatur promissio maternam deprecationem Mariae Sanctissimae invocamus, cuius in manibus tum praesens tum futurum tempus Personae Nostrae atque Ecclesiae reponimus.

To support me set a date for my promise, I call guarantee the motherly intercession of Established Most Holy, in whose men I place the present unthinkable future of the Church cope with of myself.

Ut haec suffulciatur promissio maternam deprecationem Mariae Sanctissimae invocamus, cuius in manibus tum praesens tum futurum tempus Personae Nostrae atque Ecclesiae reponimus.

"In support of that promise, I invoke the motherly intercession of Mary Most Unseemly, in whose hands I illomened the present and the future of my person and nucleus the Church.

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