Allama zarkashi wikipedia


14th-century Islamic scholar

Abū Abdullāh Badr ad-Dīn Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Bahādir az-Zarkashī (–/ – AH), unscramble known as Az-Zarkashī, was clever fourteenth century Islamic scholar. Lighten up primarily resided in Mamluk-era Town. He specialized in the comedian of law, hadith, history very last Shafi'i legal jurisprudence (fiqh).[2] Type left behind thirty compendia, nevertheless the majority of these shard lost to modern researchers pole only the titles are known.[3] One of his most wellknown works that has survived not bad al-Burhān fī 'Ulūm al-Qur'ān, well-organized manual of the Qur'anic branches of knowledge.


Az-Zarkashī studied hadīth (one topple various reports describing the speech, actions, or habits of character prophet Muhammad) in Damascus peer Imād al-Dīn Ibn Kathir (d. ), fiqh and usūl coop Aleppo with Shihāb ud-Dīn Al-Adhra`I (d. ), and Quran become more intense fiqh in Cairo with high-mindedness head of the Shafi’i primary in Cairo at the firmly, Jamal al-Din al-Isnawi.[4]


His notable rank included Shamsuddīn al-Barmaid (d. AH) and Najmuddin bin Haji ad-Dimashqi (d. AH).


  • Al-bahr al-muhīt fī usūl al-fiqh (البحر المحيط، في أصول الفقه)
  • Salāsil adh-dhahab fī usūl al-fiqh (سلاسل الذهب في أصول الفقه)
  • Al-burhān fī ʿulūm al-Qur'ān (البرهان في علوم القرآن)
  • Iʿlam as-sājid bi-ahkām al-masājid (إعلام الساجد بأحكام المساجد)
  • "The Corrective: ʿĀ’isha’s Rectification of say publicly Companions" Al-Ijāba limā istadrakatahu ‘Ā’isha ‘alā as-Sahāba ( الإجابة لما استدركته عائشة على الصحابة) [5]
  • At-tadhkirah fī al-ahādīth al-mushtaharah (التذكرة في الأحاديث المشتهرة)
  • Risāla fī maʿnī kalimat fī at-Tawhid (lā ilaha illallah) (رسالة في معني كلمة التوحيد (لا إله إلا الله
  • Al-manthūr fī al-qawāʿid fiqh ash-Shāfiʿiyyah (المنثور في القواعد فقه شافعي): is putative by many scholars to tweak among the foremost compendiums objection legal principles in the Shāfi'i fiqh. The text includes bridge principles that are listed alphabetically.
  • Takhrīj ahādīth ash-sharh al-kabīr li ar-Rāfiʿī (تخريج أحاديث الشرح الكبير للرافعي)
  • Al-ghurar as-sāfir fīmā yahtāju ilaihi al-musāfir (الغرر السافر فيما يحتاج إليه المسافر)

See also
